Functional Alignment

The main functions deal with the alignment of functional data using the square-root slope (srsf) framework. Where an input into a function is expecting an array of functions the shape is assumed to be (M,N) with M being the number of sample points and N being the number of functions.

SRSF Functions

f_to_srsf(f::Array, timet=0, smooth=false)

Convert function to square-root slope (srsf) functions

f is an array of shape (M,N) as described above. By default the function will generate timing information, otherwise timet should be vector of length M describing the timing information. If smooth=true the input data will be smoothed first using smoothing splines.

srsf_to_f(q::Array, timet, f0=0.0)

Convert srsf to function space

q is an array with the standard shape. timet is a vector of timing infomration. f0 is the initial value of the function in f-space, this is required to make the transformation a bijection.

smooth_data(f::Array, sparam=10)

Smooth functional data using a box filter

f is an array with the standard shape. sparam is the number of times to run the filter.

smooth_data!(f::Array, sparam=10)

same as smooth_data, except the smoothing is done in-place

trapz(x::Vector, y::Array, dim=1)

Trapezodial Integration

x is a vector of time samples. y is the reponse and dim is the dimension to integrate along.

optimum_reparam(q1, timet, q2, lam=0.0, method="DP", w=0.01, f1o=0.0, f2o=0.0)

Calculates the optimum reparamertization (warping) between two srsfs q1 and q2.

q1 and q2 can be vectors or arrays of the standard shape. timet is a vector describing the time samples. lam controls the amount of warping. method is the optimization method to find the warping. The default is Simultaneous Alignment (“SIMUL”). Other options are Dynamic Programming (“DP” or “DP2”) and Riemannian BFGS (“RBFGS”).

warp_f_gamma(time::Vector, f::Vector, gam::Vector)

Warp function f by warping function gamma

warp_q_gamma(time::Vector, q::Vector, gam::Vector)

Warp srsf q by warping function gamma

elastic_distance(f1::Vector, f2::Vector, timet::Vector, method="SIMUL")

Calculates the elastic distance between two functions and returns the amplitude distance da and phase distance dp.

rgam(N, sigma, num)

Generate random warping functions of length N. sigma controls the standard deviation across the random samples and num is the number of random samples.


srsf_align(f, timet; method="mean", smooth=false, sparam=10, lam=0.0, optim="DP", MaxItr=20)

Aligns a collection of functions using the elastic square-root slope (srsf) framework.

  • f is and array of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
  • timet is a vector of size M describing the sample points
  • method (string) calculate Karcher Mean or Median (options = “mean” or “median”) (default=”mean”)
  • smooth Smooth the data using a box filter (default = false)
  • sparam Number of times to run smoothing filter (default 10)
  • lam controls the elasticity (default = 0)
  • optim optimization method to find warping, default is Simultaneous Alignment (“SIMUL”). Other options are Dynamic Programming (“DP2”), Riemanain BFGS (“RBFGS”)
  • MaxItr maximum number of iterations

Returns Dict containing:

  • fn aligned functions - array of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
  • qn aligned srsfs - similar structure to fn
  • q0 original srsfs - similar structure to fn
  • fmean function mean or median - vector of length N
  • mqn srvf mean or median - vector of length N
  • gam warping functions - similar structure to fn
  • orig_var Original Variance of Functions
  • amp_var Amplitude Variance
  • phase_var Phase Variance
align_fPCA(f, timet; num_comp=3, smooth=false, sparam=10, MaxItr=50)

Aligns a collection of functions while extracting principal components. The functions are aligned to the principal components

  • f array of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
  • timet vector of size M describing the sample points
  • num_comp Number of components (default = 3)
  • smooth Smooth the data using a box filter (default = false)
  • sparam Number of times to run smoothing filter (default 10)
  • MaxItr maximum number of iterations

Returns Dict containing:

  • fn aligned functions - array of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
  • qn aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
  • q0 original srvf - similar structure to fn
  • mqn srvf mean or median - vector of length M
  • gam warping functions - similar structure to fn
  • q_pca srsf principal directions
  • f_pca functional principal directions
  • latent latent values
  • coef coefficients
  • U eigenvectors
  • orig_var Original Variance of Functions
  • amp_var Amplitude Variance
  • phase_var Phase Variance